

This is for Media English class.


     Column is formation which soldiers line in lengthway.  This is basis of formation. 
     Column has strong power of breakthrough and it can move rapidly.  So in charge,  most of military conducted this in the war.  But after appearance of machinegun,  this formation went out of use in battlefield.  Because a machinegun is so strong that column was collapsed easily. 
     In the French Revolution, Napoleon combined a rank and column.  In these day,  many volunteer joined France military.  But they were immature, so they can not act with normal soldiers.  Espesially, rank is very difficult because volunteer may run away from enemy.  As you know, if rank breakthrough,  it causes fetal damege for France Military.  Then Napoleon considered that normal soldier should be rank.  Volunteer should be column.  If there are volunteers in the back of other volunteers, they can not run away.
     We can see column in march,  and in train,  this have been using to take command of army.  in march,  this formation is often used.
(Column has been used all over the world.)

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